IHSH-264-NAV - Ultra Heavy Flannel Ombré Check Western Shirt - Navy/Black
IHUK Guys, Any chance on a restock? In dire need of one in my collection lol. Thanks in advance.
With a trade i got one of these! Nice shirt
@Alex can I assume that 9 months on from your last update, it is unlikely these will be restocked this year?
Boys, any update on potential restock? This is what I have my sights on, UHF’s this year were too long in the arms.
I too would love for this to be restocked but fear that it won’t be any time soon
@Alex with the shortages of aspero cotton, does it make it even more unlikely that we will ever see this shirt again?
@IrishHeart no, but we are being more considered in what flannels to run when…
@Alex any news or updates regarding a possible restock of this shirt? Would be awesome to see some of the continues production classics again.
@Alex And the workshirt or just this version?