@sophisto000 br00tal
To answer @meatmarketdenim1, favorite HC show of my adulthood was probably OFF! at Bottom of the Hill in SF. So much fun energy, not just an angry, tough guy crowd; it was a blast.
I'll add to the injury posts. Only difference was mine happened while I was playing.
@Graham Moshzilla getting the appropriate reaction
awesome pic
@guiltyparty don't tease us!! What's the story behind the carnage??
@Mizmazzle Morrissey found out he'd eaten a hot dog and clipped him round the ear with a stick of celery
Few years ago I took my nephew to his first show to see FEAR, Vandals, and Pennywise for his birthday. It was his first show and his first time in the pit! It was so fun.
Pics don’t tell the story well, but I got a scratch on my forehead. I was all sweaty and slamming in to others. Must have got some bacteria in it cause I have a Harry Potter like scar on my forehead to this day.
I went out to meet my wife downtown for a comedy show and dinner after the gig. If you look close you can see the bleeding on my forehead.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Oh hell yeah gods hate is rad AF, so much fun see them live. Lead singer like famous wrestler, Brody king. Oh And the band posted is called x weapon x -
Such a Classic, think first viral/photo shopped and whatnot. Remember taking off so much -
Lots of busted/bloody noses, busted up lip etc but it’s all part of the fun. This prob my worst injury in terms of recovery time(3 n half months in cast) didn’t heal and had get surgery end of July last year. Still not 100 healed, was throwing windmills/karate in the pit for Extinguish and must’ve clipped someone side/back of the head. Knew it was broken asap, but made a sling outta my hoodie and stayed rest show. Last wishes headlined and wasn’t going miss them lol. May have enter mosh retirement, can’t afford miss work like I used too. But def itching get back in, dives etc. RBS fest next month here in the bay and may not be able contain myself lol.Edit forgot mention broken arm
@Mizmazzle multiple stage divers, not enough room so one got shoved right into my drums and my crash cymbal went straight into my head. Finished set, watched Bane and then had to have 7 staples in my head the next morning.
@guiltyparty hell yeah. Cool story.
Damn man, that’s hella gnarly but sure pile on was rad af until head got hit . Oh been listening to hardlore a lot recently(not so much on axe to grind anymore) stokes me out hear them talk about your store and denim etc! -
Stoked this thread back from the dead. This Pic found online shortly after SNF, 22 or 23? Going hard for mindforce -
Don’t know how I forgot, grail show I never thought I’d get to see was GB on the 2nd reunion tour. Lost my voice from screaming along…
Hell yeah man, GB live so fucking good! Same here they played Gilman 2019, such a sick show. Was supposed be another one March 2020 but covid happened. Still grateful got to see them small ish cap room, hella stage dives