IH-634S-RAW - 21/23 ounce raw straight cut
The people have spoken…
Pre-ordered. Just wondering, I usually wear around 29-30 in jeans, or a 30 in BBOD, and sized up one to 30 for the 634s, I preordered a 31, should I have put a 30 down?
Didn't giles say that these are designed to shrink to tagged size ? If so, laxlife1234, I think a 31 might end up too big on you.
Yeah, I wasn't sure though cause of the srs running small. I think a 31 may be 1 size too big then. I'll pm him tomorrow to ask if I could change it.
A reasonable assumption. Tell you what, I'll wear the sample for a couple of weeks and report back….....
Doh…...I misread the title. I don't have the raw 634S sample here, just the xhs (which I have just battled to get on......
The 21/23oz denim does not stretch as much as the 634S 21oz in my experience. It may be worth you popping a question in the IH-634SR thread. It's the same denim, so the stretch will be the same......
However, the "pre-order" facility was just for me to get an idea of what to make, I won't hold you to taking the size that you have asked for, though if you do change your mind, it would be good to know......
If you get a tagged 34 I assume the jeans will come with around 35" waist and shrink to 34" and stretch back to around 35" if they're pushed. So if your favorite pairs have a 35 waist, 34 sounds reasonable IMO.
These are a must for me
When are these available?
In my experience this denim does not stretch as much as the sig 21oz does.
October but I cant remember exactly when. Fill this out to get on the early notification list: