Random Announcements
Two very random, and weird announcements:
- I wish Paypal were a person… I'd go Kill Bill on its ass and have an epic swordfight with it, trying to decapitate the beast...
- my Aunt comes dangerously close to my dreamwoman… I feel like George Michael in Arrested Development...
This just turned into an episode of In Treatment.
Dear Mdame B,
your minty green Chucks are delicious.
I hope I punctuated correctly.
Perfect, Beats (statement). And did you notice they pretty poifickly match my top (question)?
I know Paula's big on perfect use of punctuation marks - must be horrible reading my posts!..
My dear Seul, your command of the English language is amazing - reading your posts is anything but horrible! (And your spelling and punctuation is a lot better than Lord G's)
p.s. that Kriek beer was fantastic, went down all too quickly - thank you
Congrats Dexter!