Where does everyone live?
now that's a wide shot. welcome nutcracker, you can see so much more in the members section
Wow, turn my back for 5 minutes and we have a raft of new and wonderful, international members!
Great to hear from Crustie (Sweden), Nutcracker ( Barcelona, Spain - great pic), Laxlife (Long Island), Jett the Rocker (New Joisey), Punisher (good old Luton, UK) and Urbanwoodsman (Brooklyn, NY). How exciting - do post more pix of your assorted hometowns (and Crustie, I have never visited Sweden - yet - but I don't believe it all looks like that!)
Hi my name is Deuce I live in Chicago and I love this Iron Heart stuff.
Thanks for the welcome El!
Hi my name is Deuce I live in Chicago and I love this Iron Heart stuff.
Chicago need more Iron Heart people for sure!!!!!