The picture of me stuck in traffic is where it took me 45 minutes to go 2 km's. Thankfully it picked up and started moving after I made it past the point where I took the picture and about 4 km's into the last 23 km's left on my trip.
The worst part about it was that I was stuck between exits and had no where to go and had to ride it out. This was at 9:45 in the morning. When we left Toronto, the same spot was still bottle necked and traffic was backed up twice as far as when I saw it in the morning.
They say we have two seasons in Canada: Winter and Road Construction….
That view is amazing @Dmart
I’m on call so laying low. Currently sitting outside, drinking coffee, doing CEUs, and watching my Y’2 horsehide get some sun
@Anesthetist Your jacket is going to be epic…
@Anesthetist thanks! It is stunning here. We now moved to the seaside of Tuscany.
Your jacket is an absolute beauty. Difficult to get Y2 over here. Please keep us posted on this one! -
@Dmart enjoy the good red wine
@Anesthetist that jacket looks awesome -
[Tuscany is one of the places I will never get tired of. Landscape, climate, food, wine and twisty roads
100% seconded](https://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=19000)
That shirt has changed a ton already [mention]goosehd [/mention] Amazing evo so quickly!
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Not to derail this thread entirely but it looks spot on with the herringbones.
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Just got back from a little long weekend on the Welsh coast with family. I had no idea beaches like this were a morning’s drive away…
Rocked heavy boots, IH ducks and UHF on a cliffside walk. Family thought I was mad.
There’s nothing like coming home though…
@SKT Thanks! Wish I could claim credit for the snaps, but only the one of the dog is mine, my family took the others.
The beach is Skrinkle Haven Beach, near Tenby. If you get the right weather, a fantastic location. Just be warned there's quite a steep staircase down (and up again afterwards) so you have to be somewhat mobile.
Something more random….
Received the Freedom of the City of London today
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^ Congrats buddy and looking good too