14 degrees today -
The Scarborough branch of Armani.....(yeah, not Giorgio)....
Robin Hood's Bay. Some serious anti-erosion measures. Take note @goosehd , yours are elementary level........
Whitby Abbey. Henry VIII did for it during the Dissolution of the Monasteries. Then poor thing, the German Navy took pot-shots at it in WW I.
@Giles It’s estimated Runswick Bay has lost over 200 houses to erosion in the last 200 years. Just down the road at Robin Hoods Bay, the whole village slipped away in the 1600’s. Lots of engineering projects have been completed in recent decades along that stretch of East Coast to hopefully protect what’s left!
Hike in the local community forest with my dog and my 45lb kid on my back. A peak through the forest to the ocean
@Giles Great shot of the bar. The other pics sort of remind me of our wardrobes.
Thought it was fungi at first glance