Sorry for the photo dump. This is just random stuff from the past few weeks…
Beach time at Atlantic Beach, NC...
While in NC this past week I stopped at JRCigars to grab a cheap carton before heading back to NY. Apparently, old people take tours to this place…
You know I had to hit Bojangles' while I was in NC!
And look what was parked in the Parking Lot…
Working from friends apartment in LA who makes a whole lot more money than I do…
More travel flicks for everyone…
Woke up and took a look out on my new city...
Enjoyed watching some hoops in the park…
Stumbled upon some street fair in Nolita…
Then I went to Dos Toros Taqueria with my sister for lunch…
After I said goodbye to her and headed out to check out a few shops: DQM, Opening Ceremony, J. Crew Men's Shop, and BIG (I may have purchased something). Ooops, forgot to take flicks of this part of the day…
.David., Check this out…
Yesterday I took a little trip into Brooklyn to hang with some friends for the afternoon.
Had some lunch with my boys at a diner...
The jeans (SC Oki's) burning one to the face…
Walking back to the LES via The Williamsburg Bridge. Too much Graff/ Street Art to take capture it all but here are a few…