IH washing day:
^ It looks like it's just the way the shirts hanging.
Spent the day getting my babies ready to be put away till December. Got a fresh edge, repaired some nasty base damage, and put on a healthy coat of storage wax. I just wish this season hadn't been so lackluster, I'm already anxious for next winter.
SOAK BABY YEAAAA …Thats to funny Alex
since yesterday was "Hexennacht" (witches´night) me and a few friends enjoyed the evening with some beers and bbq at our DIY fire place in the woods…
"Hexennacht" or "Freinacht" is called the night before the 1st of may and is a sort of german tradition, which is also known in a few parts of switzerland. it originated from upper bavaria and it´s actually known for playing tricks on somebody all night long, for making huge fires and for getting drunk...
In our younger days we always walked through the streets and made a lot of bad jokes (hiding all sorts of stuff that wasn´t nailed down (flower tubs, benches, etc.),throwing eggs on houses, greased some cars with toothpaste, and so on)...
but since we´re a bit older now, we let the younger folks do the bad jokes and just enjoy a nice evening at the campfire with a few beers and some bbq...
good good times…
Sounds like fun Finn..We have something like that called April fools day except there isn't drinking by a camp fire to celebrate it. Its more of a tell ur parents " Mom Dad I want u to meet the person i'v been dating for the last year"…. Hey Gary come in & meet my parents ???