Yes Lucifer very clever
Don't know where this weather has come from
Love that series!
And even those with two left hands full of thumbs will manage to make the keyholder
very practical!
Just worked all day.
Looks like your model is about ready to call it a day, too. She doesn't look thrilled to be there.
She was perky enough for the whole day even though it was a bit nippley out.
She was perky enough for the whole day even though it was a bit nippley out.
Someone has a more interesting job than me, that's for sure
Jobs shouldn't have an apostrophe- job's is possessive, not plural.
Guess its out of the bag i'm stupid..To think That photo made the paper with that mistake lol
Eh, most folks won't notice.
I'm a giant grammar bastard and that particular mistake is one of my biggest peeves.