visited a flea market with the lady today!…
the missus searching for hidden gems
may I introduce you (future) mrs finn666
yours truly
one for JSJ
one for seul
some nice Herbertz knifes
haven't found nothing except…
now back at home enjoying a lazy sunday, watching the last F1 race, while having…
Sent from iPhone 4GS using Tapatalk!
Damn you, boots!!!
yes, pretty much. Just like in Okinawa…no tatamis.
Of course that depends on dojo. Our sisterdojo in Lahti for example has full floor hard tatami. But it was there before and there is a aikido team training also.
And witout tatami you learn pretty fast how to do ukemis right. (that wood floor is a bit bouncy, it's old style basketball floor) -
Very cool pics Rafa & Jack, hope you found some fun stuff at the flea market and Jack I hope your glasses
survived the training! -
Right on Jack, knew you'd have that all sorted out…
Exactly as I thought. Who’s possibly gonna floor IJ?
I would venture to guess nobody in their right mind…!
Maybe Mrs IJ in an affectionate mood?