IHSH-293-OD - 18oz Vintage Selvedge Denim CPO Shirt - Indigo Overdyed Black
@SKT , right now I just do not understand what you are still waiting for. Just go for it. It is a great piece of clothing. Just sublime.
Nah, there is still time till the hot weather…
Just joking of course but I am sure you will be very happy when you finally get it, sooner or later. -
@Cskarev Nice fit...congratulations. I also have one in a size L, and I picked up the black moleskin CPO as well. I prefer the OD version, but the black provides a slightly better contrast with jeans. Enjoy!
Thanks @singletrack !
The big problem is that I like most of the shirts that IH offers.
But I know I will continue to get more, I just can’t resist. -
love the look of od snaps and buttons
just amazing how they look after the od treatment. -
Looks amazing @Daniel-San
Office outfit. It is a shirt with special character.
This was a new one for me today; getting a coffee at the local, the two baristas are chatting to the customer in front about musicals and somehow I get roped into the mix and mention one I saw ages ago that I recall really enjoying. No one there had heard of Pippin, but no fear, clearly I'm one of good taste because, and I quote, "for the awesome jacket you're wearing," so it must be a good show :D.
Let the record show I was wearing the 293.
Just got this in, and really happy about the shirt! Shoulders and chest a bit on the tight side with the XL I ordered, but will keep and wear with thin T Shirt only.
Shoulders look about right, sleeves maybe the slightest bit short espec. since creases havent set in, but overall looks great to me with just a t-shirt underneath. How does it feel just below the chest? Can't really tell if it's pulling there below the chest pockets.
From my limited experience, it was impossible for my photos to communicate where it felt snug since this fabric has a bit more stiffness wont show the usual placket pulling or tightness in other areas like a UHF will. Best advice I can give is to measure the shirt and compare to another one you have that fits how you like. It should be at least that big in the critical areas as it may not really stretch but It will relax after a week or so of wear to drape and crease where it needs.
Thanks @pechelman. A bit tight across the chest, but not really irritating. I also noticed the sleeves are close (but not under) to the limit
there you see, I assumed that sleeve length is nothing I ever have to check with IH shirts (since they are normally on the long side). Overall: I guess if I had the chance to try it on before I would have gone for XXL, but that's the risk with online purchases. My 3 UHF are XXL, and slightly on the large side.. so for now a bit in between sizes.
The fabric doesn’t stretch, but is it seriously relaxes. Especially after a wash. The pockets are very stiff initially, and that impacts the shirt especially across the chest.
Been wearing this for about a week now. Really awesome shirt (jacket?) and it’s one of the most “Iron Heart” of the Iron Heart items that I own. My only complaint is the long sleeves that I need to cuff and snap into place. Small price to pay for such an awesome shirt, though.
Selling my XL over at the "buying and selling" section. Ever so slightly too small, so will not wear it enough to justify keeping the shirt. Amazing otherwise, in particular surprised at the soft (but hefty) feel...
@BlueBlood Perfect fit! As an alternative to cuffing your sleeves… I’ve put on tighter button snaps, so they fit right. I also like the way the denim
Folds when the arms are a bit long. -
I think it’s at least one size too big
Looking at the sleeve/shoulder seems which is very low and the fact that the sleeves are completely cuffed .
Not so easy to see on the pic -
I’m using it as a jacket, so it’s intentionally a bit big. The sleeves of most IH shirts are a good inch too long.