IHSH-292-IND - 18oz Vintage Selvedge Denim CPO Shirt - Indigo
@Pipeboss713 Awesome picture!!
Awesome man
@Mr-Linz So that was you. No joke, I had that large in my cart. Went to my bedroom to get my card and it was sold out. I've never been so disappointed.
@HalfPastNever Well you're in luck I sent it back yesterday.... So you can get it when they restock it. Although you should've checked the buying and selling section this week, as I was selling it for under retail as I didn't really want the store credit.
@Mr-Linz Dang it, slipped through my hands twice. That wont happen again. When do you expect it to be back in their hands?
@HalfPastNever Just drop the guys at IH a mail... they may can sort it out for you If you really want to take it.
@HalfPastNever Should arrive back at Self Edge (not IHUK) on Monday, so look out for it on their site from Monday onwards.
@Mr-Linz thanks for heads up. Appreciate it
@HalfPastNever otherwise milworks has XL in stock...
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@Mr-Linz Just want to say thanks for the tip on the CPO...I was able to call in and secure the shirt even when the website was down. Appreciate your response.
Have to say, this thing is amazing! This 18oz vinatge wears a lot softer and has a lot more stretch then I thought it would. Very wearable...even softer then the new 16oz superblack western. It's an incredible denim. I have to get the jeans now. Absolutely stunning Indigo color. I couldn't be happier. Also, new to these button. They are almost like a fidget toy to snap. Very satisfying.
@HalfPastNever Looking sharp lad! Delighted it worked out for you. It's a beauty! I was gutted when it didn't fit me properly. You're right it's a lot softer than the 16oz SBG, I have the new CPO and it's a tough mother - but also my favorite shirt.
Instead I've decided to roll the dice with a custom SOSO shirt until they release the 396-IB later next year. Will be interesting to see if that works out.
@HalfPastNever Also I just noticed you're looking to get an Indigo Kersey. That shirt was my first IH shirt, the amount of compliments I get on that shirt is more than all the rest combined. Can't go wrong with that bad boy.
@T4920 Most people say "oh that's really nice, is that cord?" And I'm like no "it's Kersey" and then bore them for 2 minutes about it's history haha!
@Mr-Linz haha yeah I had the kersey once but it slipped through my hands.
Great minds think alike....I'm in the middle of building out a sashiko shirt from SoSo.I got the 16oz SBG in the non-CPO which I'm regretting now that I've realized the usefulness of the pockets on this one.
@HalfPastNever Ahhh yes, I have a number of westerns, but what I always come back to is the western style CPO's (usually with pimped snaps), something about having pockets with heavy denim feels right.
Let me know how the Sashiko comes out, I was interested in an indigo one, before I realized I needed an Indigo CPO that's more fitted.
Man if IH could do custom sizing that would be the best thing ever.