The Iron Heart 20th Anniversary Party
I'm all set too. should get in around mid arvo on the 8th
Are Wesco/Good Art/other partners bringing products to sell at the party?
Makes sense that the focus is Iron Heart. Looking forward to it!
Couple of questions:
1. Can I get shirt snaps pimped at the party? Obviously don't wanna make anyone work, willing to do it myself I guess…
2. Anyone bringing stuff to trade? I'm flying in, so won't be able to bring a bunch of extra stuff, but I have a couple pieces that haven't been worn as much lately that could be cool to pass along at the party (XXL gray/black buffalo check work shirt UHF, 634s 35, maybe trade an XHS 666 34 for same in a 33 or 32?)
Any spare places @Giles and @Madame Buttonfly ? What is the tally so far? I might be able to do this arriving around 8.30 pm Friday and leaving on Sunday.
@Giles and @Madame Buttonfly Is it OK to arrive outside IH HQ by car, at say 8.30 on Friday, and leave the car there until departure on Sunday?
2014 i believe, the Fish n Chips event !
@Chris , he’s 16 mate and significantly larger than the last time you saw him. It’s all protein shakes and lifting weights with him these days ::)
Indeed it was! I was scrolling through the posts and suddenly there I am - it is the only one I have been to!
@Matt late to the party but I quite often tip tattooists. It’s definitely not ‘expected’, and partly I factor in whether I want to get another booking quickly (no evidence it helps but it surely doesn’t hurt). There’s been times with one of the guys I visit the most where I felt that he’s undercharged and I pay what I think they’re worth. Generally I tip around 10% in restaurants unless it’s shit, or doesn’t warrant it for some other reason, but waiting staff are generally paid a living wage and don’t necessarily rely on tips in the same way as they do in the US (though I’m sure they’re very grateful. I often ask before tipping whether staff receive 100% of their tips. Usually a yes but if not I try and slip them cash rather than adding onto a card transaction. I also always tip my barber, not that I go very often these days
generally never tip cabs unless they go out of their way (stopping to get a McDonald’s for example)
Hope that helps.
Wow long time since my last Gosport visit and I can‘t wait to see you again soon!!!!
Wow long time since my last Gosport visit and I can‘t wait to see you again soon!!!!
Getting very excited about the party, but spoilt for choice what to wear with my SDA 14 oz shirt and One Piece of Rock hat!
805 Double Knee Overalls x 2
IHJ 31 Type 2 jacket x 1
IH 666 XHS x 4
IH634 XHS x 3
1955 UHR x 2
666 UHR x 2
634 UHR x 5