Anyone here play video games?
@louisbosco I’ve been slowly playing some of the first Norse God of War on my PS5 and have really enjoyed it. Need to finish so I can play Ragnarok.
@louisbosco this is the best way! I played the first one on PS5 a half year before the release of ragnarok and it wasn’t that kinda upgrade. Offcourse the graphics are better and the story is awesome but the total feel wasn’t that different. But ny the time i forgot i even have this game i’ll play and will love it for sure!
@Heavy_blue said in Anyone here play video games?:
Started again with Metal Gear Solid 5 TPP, still a shame this IP won’t see any new chapters..
Kept you waiting huh... And yeah: a downright shame it didn't get a third chapter/ location...
louis: no I'd buy the '18 GOD OF WAR through the PS5 store... Only have PS3 and 5 here now, gave my 4 to my nephew... The lucky wee shite...
@Seul yeah.. started it once but didn’t finished it.. but what a epic game
@Heavy_blue said in Anyone here play video games?:
@Seul yeah.. started it once but didn’t finished it.. but what a epic game
If I tell you I had at least two expansions on Mother Base and the lowest rank I kept was S+ then it shouldn't come as a surprise that I played that game quite a lot...
@Seul yeah man! Think the most hours i’ve spend in MGS3 what s game that was! It’s a shame you can’t play MGS4 on a PS5..
@Seul let’s hope so! And that they did it right cause Kojima is gone unfortunately
@Seul can't go wrong with 4 or 5. but it'll be sick to do a continuous gameplay from GOW to Ragnarok
I'm having a gaming resurgence of sorts lately, playing some classics from the last five years where I'd been out of touch with the landscape.
Currently in awe with Outer Wilds, never played a game like it, and it takes my breath away every time I boot it up...
For those who have played it, I just wanna express how cool a feeling it is when the ominous music begins as you approach the end of a loop.
Sometimes you're frantically trying to get somewhere/achieve something, and sometimes you'll just say fuck it, and find the best spot to sit back, and witness the total annihilation of everything.
@T4920 I really need to get around to that game. I have heard nothing but good things…
What do you play on? I’m on PS5 so could recommend a few things from the last 5 years…
@EdH PS4, no real need to upgrade as I have years of PS4 titles to work through atm.
Outer Wilds is a truly unique experience, I've played indy puzzle games through steam almost exclusively for last 5 or so years, and although it scratches my puzzle itch nicely (nothing too brain melting), it's real beauty is the way it manages to constantly deliver experiences of truly wonder and awe.
I've always craved a game where there's no leveling up or upgrading, where everything you need to succeed is possible at the very start, where the only thing that holds you back is skill and knowledge.
OW is this game, although leaning towards the knowledge rather than skill end of the spectrum. You traverse a miniature solar system, piece together knowledge documented by a seemingly extinct civilization, and build an understanding of the lore of the world before even realising what the end goal of the game is.
If you do decide to play, do yourself a favour and don't read or look into it at all. Go in blind, and trust to game to allow you discover everything you need to succeed at your own pace. It's a little confusing at first, but so well designed.
@EdH and yeh any recommendations are appreciated!
Currently playing Outer Wilds, Dead Cells and Tetris Elements.
Not a fan of big, open world AAA games, although I did enjoy Ghost of Tsushima recently (probably because I'd taken enough time away from console gaming to forgot that almost every open world game seems to follow the same formula nowadays haha)
@EdH if i may chime in and wanna play something Japanese just go hard on Elden Ring! Although the hardcore soulsborn lovers say it’s ‘easy’ it’s still a tough challenge and they did such a great job i couls loose myself for hours in that game. The remake of demon’s souls did the same for me and that’s looking freaking good on that PS5.
Diablo 4 will hit in june and the same for FF16! Also the last COD is very enjoyable i must say. I had all my hopes on Battlefield 2042 a while back but yeah HUGE disappointment!
Wo Long is a good one and Nioh is also very nice!
Horizon is nice as well although i’ll find the second one to ‘big’ for my taste..
There is plenty more out there but i forgot
@T4920 PS4 recommends… ok:
Elden Ring - great open world game that DOESNT follow the formula. Hard as nails and you’ve got to be patient with it if it’s your first of these games, but the exploration is great and very Freeform. Definitely worth a look if you like games that test your knowledge and skill.
Same goes for Bloodborne and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. In fact, Sekiro is my favourite game FromSoftware has made to date - I’d get that out of any of these 3. In Sekiro you only get the one weapon, and boy does it make you master it. You like to flex your knowledge & skill, then that’s the one which will test you.
God of War (2018) was awesome. God of War: Ragnarok might be worth seeing how it runs on a PS4 before you jump into that - I played it on PS5.
For Indie titles, let me recommend:
Nobody Saves the World: a charming 2d isometric where you transform into different creatures to solve puzzles and combat encounters.
Slay the Spire: deck building rogue-like game which is weirdly addictive once you figure out what you’re doing. One of those “one more run” kind of games that you catch yourself still playing at 3am if you’re not careful.
Stardew Valley: a game about building a profitable farm and helping your local community. The clever thing is that all the progression systems feed into and build on one another. There is no redundancy in that game, it’s utterly charming, and the soundtrack is divine. To think it was entirely made by one guy is mind blowing.
The Sexy Brutale: if you like time-loops, then give this a go. You have to save the guests at a hotel from meeting their unfortunate deaths by watching from the shadows, then restarting the clock and figuring out how to secretly intervene in events to prevent each death from happening. Great little stealth-puzzler.
Pyre: I can’t praise this game highly enough, one of my all time favourites. The soundtrack is great, and the game is excellent. You coach a team in a kind of fantasy basketball tournament. The thing is, win or lose, the game and story keeps going. Your players are playing to earn the right to move on to the afterlife (I think) and so you eventually face these agonising decisions where the players you have come to rely on in your matches are ready to move on, but you can’t bear to let them go. On occasion of genuinely felt like saying goodbye to a friend.
That’ll probably do for now…
@EdH last two sound like my kinda games, thanks for the recommendations!
My favourite game I've played in recent years is a puzzler called Baba Is You. Devilishly difficult to describe, but if you ever want to try your hand at some of cleverest, and most difficult puzzles you'll ever witness, I couldn't recommend it more.
@Seul said in Anyone here play video games?:
PS4 game recs, easy... You just need the one game really... RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2...