Iron Heart X Simmons Bilt Horsehide Western Shirt - The Pale Rider - Natural
@Jcaz6996 oh wow that is beautiful!
Damn I need/want one so bad
@Jcaz6996 wow!! Did he mention if he’d treated it with anything or is that patina all natural?
Hey Guys, just Need your Help: i bought this Pale Rider and think it fits quite well. But in the shoulders there could be some more space. If i close the buttons, it looks like i have a high neck
will the leather give up also in the shoulders so that i get some more space there? Or should i give it back? Thank you
@Bene_adolfweb-de Personally I think it looks good and is how I wear my Pale Rider. What matter's is that you are comfortable with it or else you are not going to wear it...
The shirt will soften with time and wear, but you will not get stretch out of it. It does get more comfortable and easier to wear as it softens.
Ah, thank you! Thats a good answer. Hm, i just Need about 1cm in the shoulders for more comfort. I thought leather is something that gets a bit wider with wear
Another Question: do i have to put oil or wax to it by Time? Or is it also possible to wear it without extra Stuff?
@Bene_adolfweb-de I think everyone is/has done something different reading through the different posts and in my opinion they all look great.
The greatest thing about natural leather is the patina that it get’s over time and how it represents each person’s individuality.
With time you will definitely need to condition the leather as with any leather that you own (boots, belts, jackets, etc.). It does not need conditioner right away, although it doesn’t hurt to do it now. I think all of us have tried various products in the past trying to find the perfect one.
Thank you for all of your Help! I am really happy to wear this Shirt now :))
Do you have a good conditioner you could recommend? -
@Bene_adolfweb-de I think that one’s down to personal preference…I like the smell of Saphir and Venetian Leather Balm, but still want to try Obenauf’s and Mustang Paste.
I agree with @goosehd in that the fit looks pretty spot on. It essentially fits the way I'd want it to.
I also have this shirt and get the same billowing at the shoulder, right below the collar. In reading through this thread, I seem to recall other folks having the same billowing effect, so seems to be an "architectural" issue, rather than something unique to your specific shirt/jacket.
I expect it to settle with wear and time, but being that it's horse, stretch, to the extent there's any, will be negligible.
@Bene_adolfweb-de just as @goosehd mentioned each to their own . I prefer the Natural look No leather conditioner just natural patina. Just look at the pictures I posted of Giuli you don’t get much better then that .
Same, @Jcaz6996, I'm going au naturel with mine. Natty leather patinas phenomenally, reagrdless, so there's no wrong answer, but I like the slow and steadiness of just letting the patina happen, as opposed to speeding it up.
But to each their own, of course.
Hey Guys! Thanks a lot for your Help! I saw giulis in Hamburg at the Iron Heart party. Hope mine will look also quite good in futur
@Bene_adolfweb-de I think we all would like our’s to look like that.