Iron Heart X Simmons Bilt Horsehide Western Shirt - The Pale Rider - Natural
For anyone on the fence, Division Road has some left at $1,025...
Please stop it. You are making me spend money thats not meant to be spend
@goosehd This appears to have dropped in the collar-standing quite a bit -- otherwise...
- topic:timeago-later,12 days
How do you deal with a tight inner elbow on this?
@indigostiff wear it more, stretch it out..
@indigostiff it’s not tight at all … nicely creased in the elbow and buttery soft
@T4920 that would be a very bold look
@VincentVega it’s only right for me when I wear a long sleeve shirt underneath. Like some odd friction thing. Otherwise is fine.
@indigostiff its a little stiff at first but after a few months of wearing and your first oil session, she'll be right
I've mentioned a few times we are looking for a new leather for these shirts...
We have found a front runner, but its a shade too light at the moment. We are asking the tannery to darken it slightly for one final sample..
Quick and dirty pics of the verrryy light one - natural Blatwerk leather
It's so soft
@Alex the Albino
looks nice to me. And paler just means more room for higher contrasting patina, doesn't it? And I'd have thought that softer was better for shirts.
But then I am just one of those longing-lurkers on this thread and don't own the PR so what do I know...