IH-725-KHA - 11oz West Point Shorts - Khaki
IH-725-KHA - 11oz West Point Shorts - Khaki
Our West Point fabric is based on the standard-issue uniform trouser fabric worn by cadets at West Point Military Academy. It's similar to chino, but with a right-hand twill. These shorts are tough, lightweight, and breathable - an ideal choice for the spring/summer period.
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Is it anticipated that the sizing on these will be as per the last release of the 725s (i.e. sizing as is currently up on the shopping site)?
Asking because I need new shorts and have been looking at these, but just noticed that while the tag-34s would fit my waist but probably be too slim in the thigh, and I might be better off crossing my fingers for a re-stock of the 724s…
Always impossible to tell re sizing of new runs. As soon as they are here they will get measured and the chart updated if needed and we will make sure to make note of what has changed in the measurements if anything. We won't be doing the 724's this summer I am afraid.
All noted, thanks @Graham