Lol. True, GSP is boring but i think its gonna take more then a 1trick pony like Hendricks to beat him. I say GSP by sub in the 4th
Doesnt matter if he can wrestle or not. Wrestling gets cancelled out when u fight GSP. Dude is the best wrestler PERIOD in the UFC and didnt even wrestle in high school or college. I am def not a huge fan of GSP by any stretch, used to love him when he actually "fought" but i cant stand the way he does business now. If Johnny puts hands on him he is most likely getting finished due to his weak chin and everyone thinks john is gonna do just that. But time and time again GSP rapes himself to a victory. Only reason i think GSP will actually finish is because i really doubt hendricks can go that hard for 5rds and george is actually acting like he has something to prove this time. Not pretending to be mad for press like with Penn or Koschek
The koscheck fight was the worst because he was actually trying to knock him out in the first 3 rounds then when he had those 3 in the bag it was cruise control until the final bell. Which really pissed me off because obviously josh couldn't see out of one eye and was easy pickings at that point. Fuck gsp
Hahaha. Was not tryin to ko him with a jab lol. Was his version of stand up for points. Kinda like frankie edgar or boxings mayweather. They just throw punches for points. Pretty sad man. As much as GSP bores me, i still think he will beat hendricks. Pretty funny how the two canadian guys are dishin out the hate on our pride and joy lol
brother rewatch that fight, in the first 3 rounds he actually throws some big shots and even takes some risks, then nothing but jabs for the last two
i know gsp will most likely win tonight
i just dont want him to
i dont like his style anymore
remember when he used to take chances and was a fun and dynamic fighter?
no its just painful and boring
results are results i guess but im over him a long time ago
and i hate his boy friend rory too
yeah in combat sports i dont really care what nationality someone is, no home town favorites for me
i pick the fighters i like on there style and the way they carry them selves
if you come to bang it out and your not a dick i like that