Visitors to Giles and Paulas Pad
We've move the stock room out of the house to make more room for guests….
OK so when I come please move a bed into wherever the stock room is ;). G' that is so awesome by the way
Don't have too. There's already a sofa bed in there (for the super dedicated)…..Just have to clear the crap off it......
Quite comfy too I might add!
We have visited Giles and Paula last year, and can attest to the beauty of their home, the quality of their hospitality, and the warm sense of humour of Paula
We would love to visit again, and this time I'll try to keep TommyTron restrained
Now theres a thought G
Could I hang an "Under New Management" sign up
And I definitely want to be invited back
Don't have too. There's already a sofa bed in there (for the super dedicated)…..Just have to clear the crap off it......
I can just see it now..Not having enough money to get back home
I can just see it now..Not having enough money to get back home
Book return flight prior to heading to Gosport. I literally brought a empty duffel bag to fill. Came back to the states with 3 bags…
I can just see it now..Not having enough money to get back home
Book return flight prior to heading to Gosport. I literally brought a empty duffel bag to fill. Came back to the states with 3 bags…
I'd bet I'd be selling my ticket home for some gear…Matter of fact I'll post my return ticket home in the For sale or for trade thread ahead of time lol Thats a joke of course I wont sell my ticket but maybe my virginity I am still holding on to
EmceeQ (Charlie) found the golden ticket to Willy Wonka (Giles) & the Chocolate Factory..G has all the goodies
The comparison of G and Willy Wonka is both hilarious and disturbing
The burning question though is who fills the role of the Umpa Lumpas?
The burning question though is who fills the role of the Umpa Lumpas?
TommyTron and his buddies.
This is a question which I could answer with both words and pictures…... But it could mean me getting divorced :-\
HAAA bad boy Mega