Photograph and Camera talk
What @Jett129 said !
@QuantumMechanic that's so beautiful. Reminds me of Ansel Adams.
What a stunner, @QuantumMechanic
Here’s a few pics of our weekend action. Produced some Christmas cards on the Letterpress.
No electricity involved, the process definitely lets one calm done. -
@Jett129 Ive just researched a bit and I’m completely blown away by what people do with the lensball. Really pushes one to be creative I guess
And I really like your lensball pics, too! No need for understatement
One of the things I struggle with is,when is Photography art? I know when I’m photographing surfers ,no matter how cool it is at the end of the day it’s just a record of an event. Sunrises/Sunsets,can be stunning/beautiful,but is it art? In my mind the above picture of the woman putting her makeup on is art. Any other thoughts on the subject?
Great question. I was looking at your photos and thinking, how the heck do people surf? I don't understand how they stick to the board, lol. Thanks for posting them.
I'd guess not all photographs are created as art or a form of artistic expression. However, any image that provokes a reaction is "art."
I remember years ago being at the National Gallery of Canada, and they had a meat dress on display. The subject was vanity and the decomposing nature of our body. Is this art? Whose to say.
How does that famous line go: "I know it when I see it."
One of the things I struggle with is,when is Photography art? I know when I’m photographing surfers ,no matter how cool it is at the end of the day it’s just a record of an event. Sunrises/Sunsets,can be stunning/beautiful,but is it art? In my mind the above picture of the woman putting her makeup on is art. Any other thoughts on the subject?
"What is art?" is about as philosophical as a question can get, I think.
For me personally, it is "something that makes me stop, take a look at it for longer than a second and that triggers a thought process in me"
I'm really happy that y'all like that picture of the lady on the balcony.
I think the reason it stands out is that it really tells a story. One doesn't need to know that person, nor the place or time i took the picture. It doesn't matter which camera i used. The story makes the picture.
These are incredibly difficult to take though
and I'm more than happy if I can find 1-5 of these in my yearly favorite album.
So I'm really still at the point where these shots are "more luck than talent".I think that makes a good photographer. He will have a high ratio of these shots. He will see the story and produce the shot.
I agree with you on everything 100% The important thing is that you saw the opportunity for a photograph, and completed the thought process that enabled you to take that great picture, in a matter of seconds. Most people can’t do that. The other thing is that Luck is when Opportunity meets preparation.
I’d like to chime in with a little bit of my thinking around this topic. First - a quote from Rick and Morty…
Taking a photograph requires the science of light, shutter speed, aperture, etc to be able to physically record an image onto film/SD Card. So every photo could be viewed as a science experiment from shooting a scene on auto to a fine adjusted manual setting on a pro grade camera.
The art is in how any one person completes the entire process. In this statement you could say from the point of picking up the camera to the final editing process, or zooming out, by the way one lives their life in accordance to their approach and technique to photography.
There is both science and art that is involved in the act of producing a photograph.
“Sometimes science is a little more art than science, Morty” - Rick
The year is young and I already have one in the books for my 2022 favorite album.
Shot against direct sunlight with the Fuji 56 f1.2 on our way to Neuschwanstein castle.
I moved so that the sun barely hit the edge of the lens hood and „flared“ into the lense.And here’s some more from the same hike
Sadly the lighting was challenging when we reached the viewpoint,
but it was worth it anyways! -
Unbelievable. All of it, immensely beautiful. Great work!
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I like all those shots, but the first one is just fantastic! Nicely done.