Photograph and Camera talk
It's alway "our" work (the whole family helps together), but yes, there's some favorites that i will share next time I'm at the workshop
There's a whole lot to explore.. A graphic designers dream, really.
I'm happy I make my living as an Engineer and I'm really passionate about it too,
but the hands on experience of these "older crafts" is priceless. -
printshop setup is the shit @weftyarn ! how did you come by them?
printshop setup is the shit @weftyarn ! how did you come by them?
Sorry for the late reply, @steelworker
It's been quite a busy few weeks…So we found the printshop on the second market last summer and drove down 1.500km to very south of France (near Toulouse) to go pick it up and install it in my fathers workshop here in Munich.
We had to rent a really big van to transport the estimated 1.2 tons of lead. The press alone was 250kg, if I recall correctly. It was mid-summer, the sun was out and it was beautiful to drive through France enjoying the nature. Enjoyed a lot of cheese and wine too, of course.The printshop is amazing, but the memories of that trip make using it so much more special. It was truly amazing!
Had a little fun with with my Walimex "screw-on" Macro lens.
Getting the focus right can be challenging, but it really is a lot of fun! -
Really great. Love denim Macro photography,which I had never seen before Iron Heart. Keep at it. I think there might be an IH Macro Photography thread which I contributed to years ago. I’ll look around. @weftyarn I found it and tagged you. Maybe we can resurrect it. Called Macro shots of Iron Heart Gear.
Michael Runtz is a Carleton University professor in Ottawa who specializes in nature based courses. One of my favourite lectures was where he used filters to show what insects and wildlife see versus what we see. With flowers you see them completely differently and some plain looking flowers are absolutely gorgeous with the right filters and lighting.
It’s something I have been interested in and may pursue at some point. I love nature in general and often find those are the subjects I most like to photograph. With macro it’s fun to get those close up pictures of pollen that your normally don’t see unless you’re looking for it.
I think that the lenseball with nature could make some fantastic images as well.
I bought all 3 sizes and have only,occasionally,used 2 at a time.Haven’t found much use for the Mini one yet,and the only one that my assistant/wife can hold is the middle sized one,and she gets tired holding that one as they are surprisingly heavy. I bought the mounts/stands and have rarely used them. One thing you have to be careful of is if the sun hits the Lensball at a certain angle while someone is holding it,it gets really hot really quick. Had my wife wear a glove,so that I don’t have to pay attention to her skin tone when editing.
Really great. Love denim Macro photography,which I had never seen before Iron Heart. Keep at it. I think there might be an IH Macro Photography thread which I contributed to years ago. I’ll look around. @weftyarn I found it and tagged you. Maybe we can resurrect it. Called Macro shots of Iron Heart Gear.
Awesome!! Another thread I can go full spam mode on
Great shots there…Also, great lens ball work again, @Jett129
Long time no post… Was on a business trip for a few days. I love to take out the camera when switching trains and waiting by the platform. Theres something aesthetic about train stations and the people moving in them.
I wanted to travel light so I chose the 35mm 1.4 7Artisans over my “heavy” 23mm 1.4…
// Bremen
// Osnabrück
// Bielefeld
Thanks, @Jett129 Much appreciated!
Great pictures Emil love the rich texture look
Had my camera about 2 weeks now still learning what’s what haven’t got a clue what I’m doing but having a go, terrible weather this weekend so thought I take a few pictures in the house.
Any points or tips be much appreciatedIH-555-XHSib
Red Wing 875 & 1907 -
Great shot, James. I quite like it! I see what you did there. Having something blurred in the foreground is something I also do from time to time.
While I like the stand in the bottom right, that doesn't interfere with the subjects (only with the white background),
my eyes have a little bit of a problem with the red top right object interfering with the blue of the jeans.Did you shoot it from an angle purposely?
The only thing I would try is moving just a tad left and tilting the cam to the right so it aligns with the lines on the floor and looks perfectly perpendicular to the wall.
That should also do the trick to separate the red from the blue in the top right.