Photograph and Camera talk
If you want something special camera-strap wise:
I think I have to try to make something like that (natural, veg-tanned for me though) tonight.
thanks a lot for your honest opinions guys…i´ve just made up my mind and told her, that i´m not doing least not as the main shooter...somehow "too risky" for me since i really don´t want to fuck up and kinda ruin their day with shitty pictures (don´t think this will happen, but if, i´m fecked as well!)...
so yeah.
i told her to let some pro doing the main "work" and i´ll do the rest...think she´s fine with it!
Right choice. You shouldn't shoot someone's most important day if you don't feel comfortable doing it.
In a similar situation I was assisting a wedding photographer and attending the wedding as a guest. And I just had my own camera with me.
What kind of photo related blogs/sites do you guys frequent? I think it would be cool if we shared a few links.
–> basically a guy in Tokyo who'll buy you any freakish camera you can think of, I like his "what's in your bag" feature and all the camera pr0n
–> interesting real world reviews, rather leica-centric
–> Tokyo based film photographer with interesting book reviews and nice insights into darkroom work. the same guy who does
–> my favorite for upcoming camera releases
–> best video reviews out there imo, not for everyone as these guys are absolutely silly and often overdo it... I still prefer them over most serious reviewers
Very leicaesque
now that looks like a great wedding to me. perfect weather, great looking guests and bridal couple…was that in sweden/ finland/... ?
you have more than these 12 images though, right? would like to see more
Thanks. Pics are from Helsinki Finland. I don't have more than those 12 online, I tend to keep my photosets small.
I am a huge fan of dark contrasty street photography
loghill great photo set.
Today I want to give you a look at my Rheinmetall Weltax. I got the cam from my grandfather. He bought it around 1958. It´s a medium format camera use rollfilm and produce 6x6 negatives. It´s real work to shoot with, because it´s full manual. The difficultest part is estimate the distance. But if you make it right, the camera produce wonderful pics.