Photograph and Camera talk
What kind of photo related blogs/sites do you guys frequent? I think it would be cool if we shared a few links.
–> basically a guy in Tokyo who'll buy you any freakish camera you can think of, I like his "what's in your bag" feature and all the camera pr0n
–> interesting real world reviews, rather leica-centric
–> Tokyo based film photographer with interesting book reviews and nice insights into darkroom work. the same guy who does
–> my favorite for upcoming camera releases
–> best video reviews out there imo, not for everyone as these guys are absolutely silly and often overdo it... I still prefer them over most serious reviewers
Very leicaesque
now that looks like a great wedding to me. perfect weather, great looking guests and bridal couple…was that in sweden/ finland/... ?
you have more than these 12 images though, right? would like to see more
Thanks. Pics are from Helsinki Finland. I don't have more than those 12 online, I tend to keep my photosets small.
I am a huge fan of dark contrasty street photography
loghill great photo set.
Today I want to give you a look at my Rheinmetall Weltax. I got the cam from my grandfather. He bought it around 1958. It´s a medium format camera use rollfilm and produce 6x6 negatives. It´s real work to shoot with, because it´s full manual. The difficultest part is estimate the distance. But if you make it right, the camera produce wonderful pics.
Is this your Pentagon six on the avatar pic? Heavy stuff!!!
Chuck: no, that's a pic I ripped from an old Pentax 6x7 ad
I never had the Pentacon, but lots of my favorite pics on flickr have been shot with the Biometar. I had the Kiev 60 with a 50mm CZJ and 80mm Volna for a while, the russian equivalent. Yes, very heavy and the Kiev is unfortunately just as heavy as unreliable.
Here it is with the CZJ Flektogon: