IHPT-02 - Loop Wheeled Pocket Tee's
Would love to track down the white, grey and mustard pocket tees in size medium, as well.
Let's just hope for a quick rerun. I need some backup ones
The logo tags are removable without damage, right? Not sure yet, if I dig them. The anniversary logo is great, but the big white one is just a bit too much.
Should be no problem at all to remove. A stitch ripper and 10 minutes should do it.
Dope outfit dude. Looks super comfy, and shit your hair is long now! I often find myself wearing my black IHPT-02 on hikes too.
I need the red!!! xl
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
Thank you. Good to "read" you. Hope all is well!
Here's a pic of my IH tees. It gives a nice comparison of the colors.
From left to right:
IHT-Plain.Purple// IHT-2011.Plain.Navy// IHT-2011.Forum// IHT-2011.Plain.Navy// IHPT-02.Red// IHPT-02.Green// IHT-2011.Plain.Navy// IHT-3000.Black// IHT-Plain.25oz// IHPT-02.Royal// IHPT-02.Mustard// IHPT-02.Red// IHPT-02.Petrol// IHPT-02.Green// IHPT-02.Petrol// IHT-Plain.Royal// IHT-Plain.Sax// IHT-Plain.Purple.[broken pic link]
Indeed. Great shot. But it shows that many bright colours were done, I'd prefer ecru and brown, dark grey in another run.
Thanks to @JCMx800 to gt me another one of my favorite IH Tee.
Are these actually extant? I've noticed that white is no longer on the list. Will they ever be retocked?