FW23 Retailer Shows - Paris, New York (& LA-ish)
Mock twill western IHSH-367
sounds interesting! maybe cause I don’t know what mock twill is , but western is always interesting for me
….but "really expensive "
Brilliant first full day yesterday, we managed to push through the first night so jet lag didnt hit us too hard. Started the day with some coffee and meetings with the Japanese, @Alex giving a run down of the Paris meetings
View from the suite
We then headed to Katz's Deli which is somewhere I have been desperate to go for the last ~10 years. It didnt disappoint, grinning like a Cheshire Cat while I stuffed my face
We stopped by to see the guys at Self Edge en route
The scale of the operation they run here is quite impressive. With the ticket system and the shouting as you walk in I am glad we had Alex to help us navigate the process!
Washed down with a Modello of course!
Something tells me this may have been needed once or twice, touch and go yesterday the speed I was eating it
Headed back to the hotel for another meeting and shot some pool with Alex in the bar
Kira then came over so we checked out the bar across the street Belle Reve, a shot and beer for $9 - @Alex kindly chose whiskey over tequila
We then headed over to Little Italy for dinner with the Japanese at Buona Notte, again great food and company
We bumped into TJ from The Shop Vancouver earlier in the night, so we hooked up with him after dinner at Nancy Whiskey pub
Awesome pictures all–loved the subtle shirt reference. Be cool to be a fly on the wall for some of the discussions with Haraki and crew.
Modelo !!!
Saw that and thought YES–cant go wrong with that! -
brilliant pictures lads!
So @Alex , what does LA-ish mean and where do I show up?