Football (Soccer)
Difference between a family that took you fly fishing and a family that took you to watch footie I guess…
Was G's butler not a footie fan ?
Thank god for that
Greece play anti-football
Thank god for that
Greece play anti-football
And you got ‘em
Well… You've got them now. I don't think Greece will be coming back from 3-1 down.
What the f did France think last night? As if they did notwant tobe in the game. Spain played safe, too. Boring. I hope they raise the bar against Portugal, but in any case, Germany is so much better than the rest of the teams…
As has been the case for as long as I've watched soccer: most powerful economy, best soccer team. There may have been an interruption in their dominance for a few years, but they're roaring back to the top. Hats off.
yeah good luck…
Heh, we'll need every drop I think. I can't decide who's going to crack first… Rooney or Ballotelli. One or both are bound to do something stupid. Rooney will probably get too angry and well, Ballotelli...
Hopefully it'll be an exciting match.
I may need beer though.
yeah good luck…
Hopefully it'll be an exciting match.
I may need beer though.
I will need wine
First penalty series of the QF's is my bet …
First penalty series of the QF's is my bet …
Oh please no - I’m home alone so I can’t leave the room and get someone to call me back to the TV when it’s safe to watch…
This has penalties written all over it…