Your current jeans rotation
PBJ XX05 - a present from Daniel of DC4 - when I need to look a little less faded
Not gonna lie, I have been wanting a pair for a while now. Having trouble justifying buying any other denim besides IH.
PBJ XX05 - a present from Daniel of DC4 - when I need to look a little less faded
Not gonna lie, I have been wanting a pair for a while now. Having trouble justifying buying any other denim besides IH.
Me too, but I have to show allegiance to my patrons…G
While I was in NY it was my IH-634S and my TSL D62XX but now that I am back at home I have not taken my SExIH07BK's off. So much denim, so little time…
Been wearing my IH-9634's the last couple of days. Think starting tomorrow I am going to go with my IH-801's until I get bored and have to switch it up.
Oh hell yeah!
Was wearing my TSL's the past two days but felt guilty and cold not wearing my IH's. Back to the workhorse, my IH-634S…
Two months down four to go on my SI Diary and the blue is starting to come through rather nicely
I've been on a Fullcount 0105C binge for awhile now, with my IH-801 making appearances on chilly days and some motorcycle rides. I'm holding out for another purchase in the fall…
Right now, I am pretty much only wearing a pair of Studio D'Artisan D1452s. I have 3 pairs of IH, but I haven't managed to work them into the rotation yet, and now that it is starting to get hot where I live, I don't think I'm going to be wearing 19 or 21 oz. denim anytime soon.
Right now, I am pretty much only wearing a pair of Studio D'Artisan D1452s. I have 3 pairs of IH, but I haven't managed to work them into the rotation yet, and now that it is starting to get hot where I live, I don't think I'm going to be wearing 19 or 21 oz. denim anytime soon.
Excuses excuses…
Right now, I am pretty much only wearing a pair of Studio D'Artisan D1452s. I have 3 pairs of IH, but I haven't managed to work them into the rotation yet, and now that it is starting to get hot where I live, I don't think I'm going to be wearing 19 or 21 oz. denim anytime soon.
Excuses excuses…
When it gets hot out here, I think 17 oz. is about the limit that I can handle. Any heavier than that, and my legs feel like they are in a sauna. Of course, when it gets up over 100 in the middle of summer, then it's time to switch to shorts.
Rotation Based on order of purchase:
Naked and Famous - 21oz. Wired Guy
Skull Jeans - 5000XX
Sugar Cane - Okinawa
IH - DC4001
Studio D'Artisan - XS31 - Black Pig
IH - 634S-BI will wear each one once a day until Friday, then I wear the Friday pair the whole weekend and then continue the rotation. Every 6th week I will have worn each pair one the weekend.