DENIM Archive
Looking through the Denim archives came across the most incredible pairs of jeans I’ve ever seen. Possible the greatest looking denim IH have ever produced IMO look very exclusive.
Would absolutely love to have every pair
How many forum members actually still have these pairs of jeans? would love to see pictures and what you think of these pairs .
What’s the possibility of Re-running any these?
@Jcaz6996 i would buy a few if there would be a re run... Some beasty denim there🦴
Thread @Jcaz6996 i still have a Pronto XHSii
This was a pronto cut wich imo feels like the 666 and 777 had a baby. Tight topblock low-rise. But incredibly amazing! Love how it fades.
Some awesome pairs there for sure. Mildblend still has some 555SG in stock.
@JunkPants that’s absolute crazy and in my size .. ummm going to have to get these…
Go for them James
Hey Mo , I take the one with red arcs
@Kasi Wow, impressive collection!
Proper veteran of the game, knows something special when he sees it and is smart enough to buy extra stock.
Just bought the IH-555SG-IND thanks to @JunkPants for heads up
Excited about this pair