@Danimal506 hahaha, yup! I’m fucked
Just found this thread. Bunch of dudes that are pumped on being dads? I’m in the right place. Me and my little homie on the back porch watching the storm tonight
@chillmonroe love a good storm
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot puttin’ the IH Storm Rider to use
@chillmonroe Hell yea dude! Welcome to the Denim Dads thread hahah
@Matt I guess everyone’s experience is different and that’s totally valid. Speaking for myself, it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me
Got a ninja turtle pizza party planned tonight. We do them like once a month. Makin’ pizzas from scratch with my boy 🥷
Parent here, five “kids” total. My daughters are 11 and 16, step kids are 15/17(girls) and 22. Lots of estrogen around me.
@northsouthdenimguy dang dude you are IN IT
Party preppin’ w my sous chef
@chillmonroe “little bit over here” proceeds to mozzarella the counter
good stuff pops/nice vid
@Matt Happy Monday!
@flannel-slut thanks dude and yeah the countertops taste better with a bit of cheese on em anyway haha
@SKT Montessori preschool carpool is insane. The Montessori Karen moms in their Teslas are also insane. Middle school has to be actual hell