Indigo invitational Y4
This a real tear or rip caused from wear mostly from me crossing my legs. But I don’t mind it.
These were from the first batch of 777 14oz. -
@Gammaman man that’s a real beautiful hue with all that wear
man I’m new but love this forum and the beautiful advice you can get from it…anyways in response to @Gammaman heres my wife’s card to me with my oni! Cheers brother…life is life and sometimes finding that balance can be absolute perfection
@olblue wow! That is looking incredible!
@DeeDee85 thanks buddy
@olblue great jacket and wife buddy
@FlavourFade thanks so much buddy! So proud of her…all about the wife life
they‘re looking fantastic @Gammaman
And +1 on the „stay true to what you love“here‘s my 5 month SBG update
@Gammaman so good
I love the bibs…another IH piece I dream of owning. Waiting for the wabash ones to drop. Keep fading these are so beautiful already
@Mizmazzle it is!!! But it’s been awhile since she’s had an opportunity to do so and same goes for me. Shes a vintage clothes reseller (i have so many great made in USA old workwear from her) but we’re trying to buy land to dedicate ourselves back into that world
month 5 baby!!! Let’s go
Month five down. Had their first wash about a week ago.
@Gammaman What a craftsmanship! Loving the life you've poured into these 805
It is really moving to hear everyone's care and good words of wisdom life partner. Best wishes and vibes
@weftyarn Whooooo - look at the SBG getting Special Beautiful Groove! Stunning
Fifth month submission. Lots of time spent on two wheels
Month 5 submission: I spend too much time on my knees
I fear I will have to repair the knees before end of the year.... The right knee already starts to feel fuzzy -
@maxximum looking great!
@olblue These look absolutely amazing!