NYC Trip - Suggestions??
Hey guys,
I haven't been to NYC in years... other than Self Edge, are there any other great heritage-brand places I should check out?
Also... suggestions for things to do and places to eat would be appreciated as well.
I'll be there from 10/21-10/26.
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Standard & Strange, Blue in Green come immediately to mind.
You may have to dig through the threads a little, but there are some really good pictures of where the guys ate and drank while in the city.
Do yourself a favor and grab cocktails at bar goto in lower east side. Get the okonomiyaki app to go with it.
Thanks to everyone for the replies so far, I'm definitely going to do all the things mentioned.
Wythe is a new clothing brand doing a modern twist on some American classics. They have a popup opening up the day you arrive until the new year. Rent a bicycle in Central Park. Bar goto has great miso wings if you do end up going. Burger from red hook tavern.
@branpureza Scarrs Pizza! Or Ruby Rosa (mentioned in one of our travel threads) if you make it out to Brooklyn, Oxomocco is an amazing restaurant.
Standard and Strange have a store on Mulberry street which is worth a visit.
@branpureza the RRL store is cool, if that's your vibe. B&G and S&S already mentioned both worth a visit. If you fancy a road trip, then west to City Workshop in Maplewood NJ or east to Fountainhead in Huntington, LI.
For food, Scarrs, Rubirosa or Paulie Gees Slice Shop are my fave pizza spots. Birds of a Feather is great sichuan Chinese food. Mighty Quinns BBQ in Ukrainian town is one of @Jett129's fave spots, but if you're in Brooklyn then check out Fette Sau or Hometown Bar-B-Que. Ivan Ramen is a go to for me every trip, too.
Drinks, check out Sake Bar Decibel for something different. The speakeasy in Crif Dogs is cool, and makes great cocktails.
I could go on, if you need