New York - October 2012
Yea, I am still trying to decide if I am going to be crazy and do just a drive there and back the same day or stay overnight…
That's a pretty long drive. Suggest you stay for the night and rest up ;)…..
Just to be clear, I was asking about people's personal thoughts on what time they would be heading to SENY, not times for the party, just in their own time frame based on their own plans for the day.
Party is starting at 6pm on Saturday, October 20th.
Just to be clear, I was asking about people's personal thoughts on what time they would be heading to SENY, not times for the party, just in their own time frame based on their own plans for the day.
Mega, I'll be showing up fashionably late, naturally…
Just to be clear, I was asking about people's personal thoughts on what time they would be heading to SENY, not times for the party, just in their own time frame based on their own plans for the day.
Mega, I'll be showing up fashionably late, naturally…
Anything to avoid the serious drinking
I so badly wish I could go to this, but it is a bit expensive for me right now. Plane tickets, hotel, food/cabs/sightseeing and then all the sweet sweet IH stuff that will be there… I'd have no money left to eat.
I heard through the grapevine that SENY will be turned into an IH store for the party, and the final jacket will be there in all it's blanket/quilt lined, paraffin coated glory!!!
I am truly sad I won't be there.
Yea, I am still trying to decide if I am going to be crazy and do just a drive there and back the same day or stay overnight…
That's a pretty long drive. Suggest you stay for the night and rest up ;)…..
Might just drive to Philly to visit family and take the bus for the day…otherwise I have to bring the dog along too, and I just don't picture him enjoying New York.
What are we looking at here, lando? Or is it a surprise?
Looks like a leather bracelet to me.
Getting increasingly excited about this trip - and this weekend with The Trons is our rehearsal - hopefully we have enough recovery time (and Tommytron - the mature, sensible one - will no doubt keep us in order).
Tommy has already asked me if I intend to smoke, I asked why and he said "you always smoke when you're drinking"…..bad father, bad bad father :o
Kids! So self-righteous (and usually so right). We’ll bring extra e-cigs