Lol. Wtf shane, I cant believe Biteman killed EMCEEQ
Y'all wanna see the afterglow of the Big Bang?.. Check the video (scroll down):
For this, 28 minutes spare time is required.
(No stem to sternStart at 21:30 :D)
I always see the need of a strong Denim at this point."Wild horses have had their manes and tails clipped in Sabucedo (Galicia, Spain) for 350 years as a part of a deworming and hygienic old ritual. The horses are taken from the countryside into the "curro", a rounded corral, where they are cropped by the "aloitadores", the local wrestlers who immobilize the horse with their bare hands." Juan Rayos
Waking up into a nightmare !
This is a great documentary about Hermes. I particularly like the segments about the saddlers. It's about 45 minutes long but very interesting.