@endo This is the 11oz Sashiko Coverall from Japan Blue. I have had it for a few years now. I picked it up from @brooklynclothing
@denim-dawg wonderful stuff brother!!
@denim-dawg this is awesome…happy birthday denim-dawg dad!
@denim-dawg love this photo of you and your father - you both look very alike! Big smiles all round
@SKT haha Denim-Dawg-Dad… DDD.. maybe he should get his own cap?
Thank you so much, kind friend! Hope your life is smiling
@flannel-slut So kind, my friend! It’s wonderful to see the genuine reaction of my dad when he tried it on. He was raving about the wabash jacket - and now he’s got his own
You know the feeling
@denim-dawg that shirt was made for your pops!! Did he show up to the party with his new wabby, soaking wet from the lake with a live fish in his mouth??