@SKT haha Denim-Dawg-Dad… DDD.. maybe he should get his own cap?
Thank you so much, kind friend! Hope your life is smiling
@flannel-slut So kind, my friend! It’s wonderful to see the genuine reaction of my dad when he tried it on. He was raving about the wabash jacket - and now he’s got his own
You know the feeling
Too hot to wear anything of substance(shirting).
But the IH pants are a must on the daily.
Went with the 634s today and also managed an IH pair of socks to boot.
@denim-dawg that shirt was made for your pops!! Did he show up to the party with his new wabby, soaking wet from the lake with a live fish in his mouth??
@Mizmazzle 295 & duck 🤌
@Mizmazzle Haha! Man! I’m in awe of your mind and fantasy! How did you know that the Wabby made him wish it - and then do exactly that?? Hahah… 🥳
🩷🩷🩷🩷 Have a good one, m’friend
@Mizmazzle Now THAT is an outfit that is real bait for anything breathing
@denim-dawg his reel is breaktaking too! Respect to fly fishermen.
@denim-dawg gracias parcero!!
The sky pic was an accident. Beautiful though! Ihsh 07 and 555ib.
- IH 888 slubby OD
- Arket shirt
- Orbitgear
- The thousand yard stare of a man who has worked about thirty five hours in two days.
Micky oye tee
RDT casper