@Mister_Brue oh hell yes!! This really is the perfect vacation/ travel bag!! Looks tropical where you are by foliage but somehow chilly based on your wardrobe. (Though that’s really no indication seeing as how many of us wear absurd layers in the dead of summer!)
Samurai knit
Masunaga shades
UES wool hunting jacket
TFH flannel
UES ramayana pocket tee
New Balance made in UK Brandied Apricot
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot that pink flat head has been in my "cart" many times...
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot you know what would look even better than that Flat Head flannel???
Still no heat in the office. Can you give your thoughts on the sweater? Was going to exchange for a smaller size but it seems to look.. great? Just was expecting a snugger fit. Thanks!
Dehen card
IH black slubby, grey waffle, merino base
21oz 555(still no thermal underwear required!)
White's MP1
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot so NOT mint
@CosmoSix5 IMO, not a bad fit! You could size down but don’t think you need to.
@CosmoSix5 I was torn between this and the work shirt. The asymmetrical pockets don’t bother me nearly as much as I feared - love it!
@tody but champ AF
@goosehd 🩷🩷🩷
@CosmoSix5 depends how you want to wear it. Looks great over the flannel. Might look too loose over just a tee.
I have one of their cardigans and it’s sized down from how yours seems to fit. I can wear it over a tee or a heavier shirt cause they do have some stretch. However, I rarely wear it because it’s too short for my preference.