@Mister_Brue That chore coat is looking
got me wanting one!
Singing the USA national anthem at a basketball game tonight. Red, white and Indigo gets the call.
Samurai knit
TFH tee, dyed Dylon’s vintage blue
777 XHSib
Good Art -
@Mister_Brue one of the cooler travel photos I’ve ever seen!! India never looked so peaceful!!
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot good golly gee wilakers!!!
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot “hey, pig. yeah, you. hey pig, piggy, pig, pig, pig”
@flannel-slut little good art snap at the bottom is classy as hell
Great to meet with Albert, fellow denim head in NYC today for lunch and a quick photo opportunity by Central Park. Coincidentally we both turned up in N1’s today. But the weathers bitter, and this was the perfect choice today. -
@oldsoulguy56 rad! upstate style guy is the sweetheart of the denim community!
Aside from @Matt of course
Summer well and truly here - +30° today. Time to break out the cargo pants.
@oldsoulguy56 Are you guys from NYC,or just visiting?
@flannel-slut it was brilliant to meet up with Albert. An absolute sweetheart of a guy, and a serious denim head
@Jett129 I’m just visiting from the UK. Albert is from NYC