Iron Heart Meetups
No open containers in my car with my history but you can damn sure roll with me! Yeeeeeeee!
put it in a 7 eleven coffee cup hahaha
Late pass. Not to mention Alcohol smells in all forms…
Late pass. Not to mention Alcohol smells good in all forms…
If this is what it's going to be like I think I might as well just set up a standing order with your bank !
TT -
accidental meetup today, ran into Lando… the man is much taller in real life, i was impressed
accidental meetup today, ran into Lando…
Yeah I walked up to the window and saw the back of you and could tell by the Strike Golds and IHSH-22 (Green) that it was you. Pleasure to me you. I am sure I will see you around.
pleasure was all mine
accidental meetup today, ran into Lando… the man is much larger in real life, i was impressed
Hahaha, you see what I did there?
Damn, if it weren't for college and my job keeping me on constant lock-down I would stay trying to post at SESF. But oh well, C'est La Vie. Hope to run into someone around the way. At Cal I think I've seen 2-3 pair of flat heads, couple nudies and imperials and one decent pair of 301s. Had hime stuck on my IH-23 634S-B DQM Vans combo tho… Yeah, I saw Ýou lookin. Hahaha.
Down. I@nameness:
So who's going to the SELA party and who'd be down for an IH dinner or something (coughboozecough) on one of the adjacent days?
Down. Down to carpoool with splattered
Dunno if i'm going to this or not actually i wouldnt plan to carpool with me haha
Flying to SF on Thursday AM. Driving down to LA on Friday AM. See you all there!
Fuck I wish I was going. Alas, have fun everybody!
Uneventful flight. Landed. rented car, drove to the house we are sharing with Kiya and Demitra, had a beer, went out to eat, had an argument with Kiya about who paid (and lost), came back here, had a beer, went to bed, woke up and now lying on the sofa waiting for the rest of the world to wake up too….