Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
Yes, mega-sized dome hats!!! -
IH-634 Minis available to purchase….
I think it is pretty jazzy mega's boy has got his own pair of 634's. I have a 5 year old boy as well and watching him romp around and tear across the floor sends him thru his jeans in nothing flat.... dunno how many of us have kids though. So.... not sure if these would be profitable to produce in larger quantity(can guarantee at least my money though! ;D)
^dude couldn't agree more, jake is constantly asking me how come he can't wear iron heart
Sadly, they'd probably be close to the same price as adult IH jeans, which would be cost prohibitive for almost every parent. Material cost would be slightly lower, since you're using a yard or so less denim, but labor (which is, I believe, the biggest component of production expense) and hardware costs would be the same.
Tommy's jeans barely lasted a year, and that was with an extensive rebuild by Haraki. Finding enough people willing to drop $350ish with that kind of life expectancy is going to be tough, if not impossible.
Too bad, though. I'd love to put Benjamin in a pair of 21oz jeans.
bagley, H made a pair for Tommytron, (<–- such a rad name ;D) Mega's little boy.
Wasn't there someone on here that made a pair for his son?
yes, iirc there was…gonna try to find that post now!
oh wow…. sorry for my case of big-dummy-itis in prior post refering to the pair H made :-[!! I didn't realize someone literally made a pair. Did see nientenhosen was pretty dexterous with ye ol' needle and thread on a few shirts in some other posts though...