Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
how bout more flannels????
sounds like they could have an audience. serious the way the 70, 12, 19, 11 (& a few more i can't think of at the moment) where they are made in one or two traditional colors & then one untraditional color (purple,orange, brighter green,sky blue, pink). can't please everyone, but that's about as close as you can get without putting too much skin into the game. unbrushed or lightly brushed. herringboner or plain.
(skin in the game = amount of risk you are assuming)
oh & while you at it make some blue jeans out of the flagship denim
**will go sit in the corner
serious though, people are very passionate about this stuff. even though most of us only own one or two pieces the way this operation is conducted most on the forum have a very real connection to the product. hence strong reactions to things we like & do not like. i feel you mikec & finn & the rest of the Iron Heart massive for expressing your take on what should/shouldn't happen with products and such. once you experience quality it's pretty hard to take a downgrade. Iron Heart is really the pinnacle of quality (most times one or two missteps imho) so it is understandable we all don't want it to be downgraded in any form.
okay enoough for me. thinking like that makes my head hurt & i smell bacon
i heart the 70 but hey that just me !!!!!!!! I'd like to see a nice heavy duty silver iron heart ring as I'm in the market for one right now….. wink wink nudge nudge
Just discovered this thread. I've already mentioned this idea to Giles and a few others here, but I'd love to see a super black 816 cut, just to have pants that I can wear to work that don't fade and at the same time have the full-on IH vibe. I seem to remember that there were shirts made of 16oz super black denim, so if Giles or Haraki thought the 21oz was too much, perhaps 16oz would be a possibility? I'd be happy with either.
^I wouldn't be surprised to see the 816 in a black duck, at some point.
That would be okay (as long as it didn't fade) but still not as cool as the super black denim. I haven't seen either fabric in person, so I'm only judging by pictures, but the super black looks more visually interesting than the duck, which looks a bit bland by comparison. I'd feel more like I was wearing a legit IH pair of pants with the super black material (not knocking the duck, which I'm sure is great in its own right).
A new Viyella Check flannel, made out of Viyella fabric (wool/cotton blend).
I like the idea of wool/cotton blend Mike.
As I recall there were some wool/cotton CPO shirts that were supposed to come out under TW but haven't come to fruition yet. I could be wrong on some of those details though.
You mean these: (forgot about them before you mentioned, were these cancelled G.?)
Giles, you once mentioned plans to get Iron Heart branded metal buttons. Anything ever come of that? Because that would make the shirts extra awesome.
Cool. And if they were available for purchase so that people could retrofit older model shirts, that would be nice, too…
I meant that like "we'll sell you a packet of buttons, you sew them on yourself", not like "send your shirt to us and we'll swap out the buttons for you".
Good lord, you really took me seriously when I said I like to make you work for my extra cash, didn't you?