Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
quilt lined flannels anyone?
Shorts are tricky. They are virtually as difficult as Jeans/trousers to make, so I need to order a minimum of 100. Don't think I will sell 100…....
how i am reading the "US shop 2" post. he's thinking about shorts for the coming summer in Japan?
^ you can call the blue version the Mako!
^^^ backpack idea keeps coming up cause it'sa great idea
i would like to see the sbfg & the -grey fade to ???- materials made into work pants . . . nice slim lines & all that good stuff
nemesis, I thought the flame sleeves were passé a long time ago….
how about long sleeve with just IronHeart on either sleeve? and definately nothing Black/orange combo, too much MoCo influence...
stuck in a timewarp i am,,,jus love hotrod style,specially Chevy pickups,,,,but i like the idea of Ironheart up one sleeve,,and a suitable phrase on the other arm/or Ironheart on both sleeves and a small breast pocket with the Ironheart bike logo on it,,,,,or woodland camo thermal type longsleeve top,,,so many ideas,,,and so little money