Jordanscollected’s Hobby Farm
cool man if you need help and it lines up with my schedule i'd love to lend a hand
Today has solidified for me that the term “having a hay day” is meant for the horses, not meant for the people throwing bales.
We are getting hay for the winter from the former owners hay supplier. I decided to save a little money per bale and go pick up the hay wagon instead of having it delivered. So for 12 miles I towed these 150 bales at a top speed of 20 mph towards home.
We are storing 80 in the barn and another 120 in the storage I built last weekend. We will go pick up the rest of the hay in the next week or so to be set for most of the winter.
They are heavy and dense @SKT. They are a mix of grass (mostly Timothy) and alfalfa. They seem like really high quality hay that will yield little waste.
@jordanscollected I worked on a dairy farm when I was in high school and sometimes have nightmares (not really) about bucking those heavy alfalfa bales. Bet they smell amazing though
Yesterday we had a “horse warming party” at the farm for friends to come out and bring their families and meet the animals and see the new spot.
Quote of the day goes to 8 year old William who after meeting the horses, ducks and chickens, turns to me unimpressed and says “what other animals you got?”
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@jordanscollected said in Jordanscollected’s Hobby Farm:
Quote of the day goes to 8 year old William who after meeting the horses, ducks and chickens, turns to me unimpressed and says “what other animals you got?”
Next, kangaroos!
@Tago-Mago I see what you did there...
The bales of hay he moved already reminded me of this little gem here:
Finally let the chickens out of their enclosure to free range with the ducks. I’m playing “shepherd”.
@WhiskeySandwich have you had any issues with ducks and chickens interacting? My wife has a read that male ducks can attack chickens and kill them. This first interaction showed no signs of that though.
@SKT That was closer to sunset last night. It's pitch black when I leave for work in the morning these days.
nice @jordanscollected ! We were good for about a month i guess with them all living together with no issues. 3 female ducks, 12 hens, 1 rooster. We're def thinking the rooster killed the female duck i spoke of yesterday. He's been picking on another one of them today and we're about to quarantine him. It seems the ducks are getting ready to lay, and i think their hormones/pheromones have changed and the rooster has been aggressive and mounting and such. Since our hens are younger and behind them developmentally, he isn't into them yet, so he's taking it out on the ducks it seems. thats the current theory.
Popped out for a quick ride this morning while the pork got started on the Traeger. We’re hosting a small Halloween get together tonight with a movie around the fire.
The first Halloween work party was this weekend. Smoked pork was the center of the burrito bar. Homemade pumpkin cookies and brownies for desserts we watched a movie outside around the fire (practical magic, I don’t get tired of Sandra Bullock).
Allie wanted to spruce up the barn a bit. I said we didn’t need to it was fine. So we went ahead and spruced up the barn.
We picked up an armoire on marketplace for free and gave it a paint job. A couple plants and an outdoor rug and that’s that.
Before’s, during’s, afters below
@jordanscollected said in Jordanscollected’s Hobby Farm:
Allie wanted to spruce up the barn a bit. I said we didn’t need to it was fine. So we went ahead and spruced up the barn.
I will take this wisdom and apply it to my own domicile.