I had/have a great Nitecore flashlight on the boat. It was extremely useful for a million and one things. I lost it recently, I am sure I put it down in the engine room somewhere, but I am buggered if I can find it. The engines are having their 600 hour service on Friday, so I will ask the Volvo Penta guy to have a good look in the nooks and crannies he will expose when swapping stuff out. I have a few headlamps on board (I like guests to have them in their cabins just in case we lose power at night - or worse), so I am not torchless, will photo them next time I am on the boat. On the basis that I may not find my Nitecore, I bought another one...I was sort of stuck with buying a light that took CR123A batteries, as I have a load on board specifically for the original torch, but use them for nothing else, and did not want to chuck them away.
Dangerous thread and I have way too many:
When you’re bored, look here and I’ll find the links for ordering:
I love those
https://bigbluedivelights.com/ -
Have 2 of these on the boat....
And one of these in my shore fishing bag...
Irritatingly, the push buttons for the white light and the red light are transposed between the models, so I am always pressing the wrong fucking button. Not so bad normally, but when I am night fishing, accidentally lighting up the scene with white, is not a good thing....
you can never have too many flashlights as my bank balance will testify to.
These are good for your keychain:
https://darksucks.com/products/beta-magneticThese are bad for your wallet:
https://darksucks.com/collections/prometheus-products#AlphaLights -
@mclaincausey said in Flashlights:
Those look great.....
But, I have just ordered a few super-cheapies from Amazon, basically just emergency lights to put in places on the boat where they may come in handy. And one for my TDC (Travel Days Carry
flash lights or flesh lights? I've had great use of them in the army, which one, that you'll have to figure on your own..
got quite the collection of flashlights
my favorites are, by far, the ones that have been developed by the enthusiast community on budgetlight forums and similar. Mostly these revolve around the toykeeper UI's but things like the Noctigon and Emisar lines like the Meteor 43 and D4V2. I also like the tiny single cell cr123 olights for throwing in a bag or something. Zebralight also makes some great flashlights. And not quite a flashlight, but also love the BLF Lantern.It's been a few years since ive bought a light though so not sure what the new hot thing is, though in a quick search I see a lot of 21700 based lights compared to the 18650s which make up most of my collection.
Prometheus Lights BetaQRv3 - in brass and copper. Fantastic little lights🤌
My old Elzetta Bravo. This is a brand that’s fallen off but these old aluminum ones with potted electronics are nigh indestructible.