Jesus what a day
Now where the heck did I put my shacket?
Jesus what a day
Now where the heck did I put my shacket?
Cool Sunday morning means slub debut. Then I’ll have to shed when it warms up.
I’m over the moon to have found a wabby chore coat after Wabbidashery tour induced FOMO. I was concerned the Large of the sample wouldn’t fit like the XL of the Wabbidashery but it’s perfect. Thank you Iron Heart and Outlet. And the chocolate and card are also much appreciated.
Walkin da dog. I love this fella.
Cowboy Woody at your service
Big week for Hattie. First cinema experience (Moana 2) and first ballet (The Nutcracker). Wore my IH cords, A&A sweater, RMC USN 1913 peacoat. She made it through but it couldn’t have been a minute longer. Should get easier each year!
Hey bros!
IHSH-GOAT over IH olive waffle Henley
Rocky Mountain Featherbed
666 in vintage 18oz
Viberg Chelseas
Beautiful day for 18oz vintage denim and jailhouse work shirts
And family.
A summer of sandals and shorts started showing signs of subsiding.
In past summers I powered through in somewhat heavy garments, so it feels good to finally have some jeans on again.
@Inorganic the salt cellar? If so I didn’t realize it was limited. I ordered from Japan by way of Amazon. My sister has one in white that triggered my search.
I like how this Japanese salt cellar is covered but accessible with one hand to open and pinch.
It also has an almost pointless coffee mug handle on the rear that I enjoy
@flannel-slut literally the best person to do it, beyond skill, given he’s a retired CPO (unless I’m mistaken).
@SourPower yeah it’s the same buckle. Not sure why a buckle with ever be sewed on to a belt personally.
The one forum gripe on this buckle is the height of the pin that attached to the belt. I think this was to accommodate thick belts but it results in a bit of a slant:
One forum member ground it down a bit to make it flatter, but it doesn’t bother me.
Man I had a chance to buy an Owsley buckle years ago and will die regretting not doing it.
I think most belts from premium makers come with Chicago screws so you can exchange buckles @Heritage_Guy inclusing the IH Tochigi garrison belts.
Here is my IH brass plate buckle on a ZeeBee (@seawolf -made) belt. This is my daily driver aside from when I wear my black IH tochigi nickel garrison belt.
Yeah U2 is insufferable. I think Achtung Baby was the last one I enjoyed at least a little and Joshua Tree was their pinnacle.
@Giles speaking for me personally, they sound like something made in a lab to appeal to as many white people as possible.
Bland, yet saccharine.
@SKT the non-pepperoni one had giardiniera and sausage on it. Totally stealing that idea.