Triple Works - The New Jeans World Tour
Thanks for the insight G. and Friday my man great start of your leg, this is just awesome: TW-WT in Africa. yeeeeaaaah
Is there any support for the poor in your country if I may ask?
I'll try my best to represent Ghana. Yeah David, there are a lot of organisations giving out to the poor as well as funds and in-kind contributions provided by countries especially the USA,China,British and India. But since those monies were given to the Govt and not directly channelled to the massess then I guess you can figure the rest
Im guessing this happens not only to Ghanaian but to Africa as a whole. But the good thing about Africans they are always smiling and working hard 24/7
great update mate…is there a chance to see/get bigger pics?
i want to enjoy the whole glory of those picsI've tried using photobucket(newer version)to resize but it seems the bigger they get, the blurrier it becomes. Im used to using the older ver which is easier to me. Honestly, internet thing especially editing pics is not my forte. Also, I only have point and shoot camera atmo
Advice on how-to is very much appreciated please…
Man this is gonna be such an epic WT. I am super excited to be involved in my very 1st IH/TW WT . This will also be my 1st WT period. Friday being from Africa will bring in some major photos as we can already see and if EmceeQ is in this one he will surely tell a heck of a story like he recently did.
Hey DD you gonna love doing the WT and also you gonna love the TW-WT jeans even moreee
Hopefully you'll get them during the special/delivery of your 1st precious baby.Thanks a lot..Its nice u remembered that. I figured it would be cool to have em in the delivery room during the delivery…just didnt know if people would wanna wear em after that. I mean obviously i would wash em
It'll be my first ever WT as well, DD so you're not the only virgo here
(thats if if I can squeeze my 34 frame into them that is) …
If i can get in em u can so we shall see
Went out yesterday and ended buying few things… againn :-\
It's a Gye Nyame Ashanti (the King descendents) Stool. And this thing is damn heavy!! You can read more on it here
The Gye Nyame Symbol.
What does the symbol mean?The Gye Nyame symbol is an extremely well known and popular image in Ghana and especially for the Ashanti people. It symbolises the power of God to make all things equal and his omnipotence.
From the Akan aphorism: Abode santann yi firi tete; obi nte ase a onim ne ahyease, na obi ntena ase nkosi ne awie, GYE NYAME.
Literal translation: This great panorama of creation dates back to time immemorial; no one lives who saw its beginning and no one will live to see its end, EXCEPT GOD.
While doing that, I was given a free Ghanaian drum rolls
More African masks ?
After spending half an hour or so.. We went to the African Market to on check some oil paintings.
Ended buying this blue 'reincarnation' abstract
Last but not least
My TWWT combo
Super update, really interesting to see a completely new culture. And great TW combo!
Love that TW on u and yes Culture is the word of the day
Great job Friday…Not pictured is Friday diving right into that pool jeans and all
..How hot is it right now Friday? It is approaching 100 degrees here in NY