Triple Works - The New Jeans World Tour
thanks Rafa.
today breakfast was served on the doorstep…
sponsored by this monster…
guessing she is the best hunter in town (maybe it is because her name is victoria). she captured bats, moles, blind-worms and at once a fire salamander (she was fucked up for three days by his venom after that attack)…crazy cat. -
Status update:
since weather was shitty the last days, junior built a racing track in his room:
guessing it will be my last day in twwt, will give em a wash tomorrow, hang dry over weekend and mail out on monday.
who's next? hemi? -
Ouch, that won't buff out. Kill or be killed. That reminds me of a evening last summer. Having a BBQ at a coworkers place and a cat found its way into the back yard. Their two rottweilers did not let it leave. Shredded would be putting it mildly.
Looking good nietenhosen!
thank you clj.
doing a wash right now, this fecker is still bleeding like shit…
bought that for the kids only, you need something rugged (and those machines are really heavy duty) when two kids are rockin around..
Friday Ghana/Malaysia DONE
Jordan23 Berlin - Germany DONE
Chuck Denim Dresden - Germany DONE
FurattoHeddo Belgium DONE
Dirty Denim NYC DONE
JCar2666 Boston, Mass - USA DONE
emceeQ Michigan - USA
Chris Texas - USA
Nientenhosen - Germany
Hemi New Zealand
Do7 - Malaysia
Corporalclegg?If this list is still up to date, it must be you, hemi.
jeans are still damp, will mail out on monday, guessing it needs two weeks or so to reach NZ (hopefully). -
I get things from uk to aus in around 5 working days via normal post.