The Knights in White Denim Tour -AKA The White Trash Tour…
ZWER!!!!!!!!!!!! (Said in a Captain Kirk Wrath Of Khan type manner) :o
I'll PM him.
^great reference
I'd be down for a run at these if the tour is still going.
Zwer still has them and he's ready to move them on. Who's next?
I think D666 might be next. If he doesn't want to do it then I guess Gratefulmelon can have a turn.
I'll go last this way I can hand them back to you when they are done Urb
is there still a chance to hop in on these?
Send them to Jesse otherwise send them back to Urb it looks like this tour is dead.
Good idea. I think he is out your way next month.
I got the jeans from Zwer. Don't think D666 will be getting them. What should I/we do with them? I can't wear them unless they get hemmed…