@SourPower tell me more about this footwear!
@Mizmazzle Xtratufs are my go to snow boots, because let’s face it- I’m not wearing Wescos with 8” of slush and salt on the ground.
They are designed for Commercial Fishing in Alaska, but I became hip to them in my previous life as a brewer. These are essentially a commercial grade piece of footwear, with oil/acid/chemical resistant rubber, SRC rated slip resistance, insulation rated to -20°F, and steel toes. On top of these features, they are incredibly comfortable and 15” tall.
Grocery store these days makes Iron Heart look affordable!
@SourPower well they sure fit right in with the bibs! Almost look like giant sized IH sneakers.
@CosmoSix5 My fiance this morning said, "do you have to wear that shirt EVERY DAY?"
I've worn it every, single, day since I received it and don't want to rotate at this moment. It even made it to the corporate office twice with a vest. Who says ducks don't belong with penguins
Heading to dinner in the Black Wabash Work Shirt, OGL Chain and my 25oz Triple 8's in an elevator in Vancouver BC
Quadruple Wabash Sunday! I could add the apron.. but let's not overdo it
Filson Jac shirt
888 xhs
AA, 208ind, PT, 602moc, Wesco
@momo73 … so pleased to see you back on WAYWT. I’ve missed your style!
Simmons Bilt / 235 / 777
Last nights dinner fit
@agardnerf I highly recommend getting one! They are still floating around on eBay and some international stockists have them.
@NorvilleRogers hello buddy!!!!
It's actually been a while since I posted anything, and your comment makes me really happy -
@Tobi so good, straight out of a Stifel’s advertisement!
@SourPower the horror 🥸