IH-804 Double Knee Loggers Brown Duck & Super Black
My paraffin coated pair will be my official "Go out to drink" pair…
I just wanted to quote this first post as I have added some official images to it. Looks like these should be finished by the end of the month…
When you say end of the month, you mean September, right? Not Tuesday; cause that would throw off my savings plan
Not that I would complain, really.
From what I gauged, they should be done this month…
Am I seeing half-lined pockets?
Am I seeing half-lined pockets?
If they are the same at the IH-801 then yes you are. Actually they are 1/4 or 1/3 lined back pockets…
Bring 'em on! Better now than later, I say. Say, Landon, is there a rivet missing in bottom pic where the right pocket meets the leg seam? I assume there will be one there on the production version.
Good eye Cosmo! Looks that way and I would assume nothing but perfection for the production run!!! BRING EM ON!!!
OK, end of this month works for me. Or, more accurately, I'll make it work. Once these and the TW5281 hit the castle, my next order will be set.
Bad news for all of you who wanted "special" versions of these. Longer leg, Single knee or non Paraffined. Haraki has decided that as this is the foirst time the workshop is making these, he does not want to create what he calls "high maintenace issues". Sorry folks…G
So that means what? You have to get double knee paraffin of either color???
Gotcha. Well, gives me time and money to spend on other items that are coming down the pipeline! Can't be mad at Haraki-San for wanting to perfect the process. As I was not planning on grabbing another pair of Double Knee pants, I will be very interested to see those who do and how they fit, etc…
I can wait, too. I agree with H, and Landon's take as well. There was an extended period to build the anticipation, so the disappointment is mollified somewhat with the appearance of the 461HDs!
Yeah, guess it's not surprising he wants to work out any kinks in the process before things get really complicated. I'm sure a new model is a constant stream of unexpected snags, even without doing all sorts of variations. Oh well, that gives me more time to set aside some cash for them.
Since the TW cotton ducks are out of the picture for now….I figure I will be picking up a pair of these in brown. Looking forward to some more info!